Just In Time Markup Server

The Authenticated Electronic Editions project is producing robust, flexible, long-lasting and readily accessible electronic editions of textual works. A particularly innovative part of the project is the development and use of Just In Time Markup (JITM). This is designed to solve a major problem associated with electronic texts: the maintenance of the integrity of the core text while it is being proliferated, translated across platforms, manipulated, supplemented and analysed.

To access works available through the JITM system click on the appropriate hyperlink:

His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke

The Jerilderie Letter by Ned Kelly

To find out more information about the Australian Scholarly Editions Centre go to the following URL:


To read our published papers on the JITM system go to the following URL:


Any problems or questions. Please contact the Webmaster.

This page last updated 3-11-2004.