Australian Literary Bibliography Series
published with the National Library of Australia

The first volume, Australian Autobiographical Narratives: An Annotated Bibliography Volume 1: To 1850 by Kay Walsh and Joy Hooton (1993), was favourably reviewed in Australia and by Horst Priessnitz in the prestigious German periodical, Archiv (Bonn), 146 (1994), 439-42: 'the first volume of the bibliography already makes an important contribution to the documentation and study of colonial Australia'. He also commends its 'scrupulous and comprehensive bibliographic work'. A volume covering the period 1850-1900 is the fourth title in this series.

The second in this series, Douglas Stewart: A Bibliography,a bibliography of the writings and personal papers of Douglas Stewart compiled by Susan Ballyn and Jeff Doyle, was published in 1996.

The third volume, Australian Literary Manuscripts in US Libraries,an annotated listing of Australian literary manuscripts in US libraries compiled by Nan Albinski, was published in 1997.

The fourth, and final volume in the series, Australian Autobiographical Naratives: An Annotated Bibliography Volume 2: 1850-1900, by Kay Walsh and Joy Hooton, was published in 1998.
Orders at $40 per volume from:
Prof. Paul Eggert
Australian Scholarly Editions Centre Projects,
School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
University of New South Wales Canberra,
PO Box 7916
Canberra BC 2610 AUSTRALIA