Australian Scholarly Editions Centre Projects (ASEC)

Appendix B : Command Set DTD and Example

<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!--                                                                      -->
<!--           Just In Time Markup (JITM) Command Set File DTD            -->
<!--                                                                      -->
<!--   This DTD defines the structure of a compiled set of                -->
<!--   Just In Time Markup records.                                       -->
<!--                                                                      -->
<!--   A file of this format may be the output from a database search     -->
<!--   and generally is a transient file only of use for marking up a     -->
<!--   specific file.                                                     -->
<!--                                                                      -->
<!--   Author : Phillip Berrie                 Last Modified : 15/7/97    -->
<!--                                                                      -->
<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT JITMset   - - (tagRecord+) >
<!ELEMENT tagRecord - - (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST tagRecord
          fileKey        #PCDATA      #REQUIRED
          pos            #PCDATA      #REQUIRED
          action         (IB|IA)      #REQUIRED
          type           #PCDATA      #REQUIRED

<JITMset >
<tagRecord fileKey="HNL52:######" pos="P3:2" action="IB" type="italics">%tagS;i%tagE;</tagRecord>
<tagRecord filekey="HNL52:######" pos="P3:2" action="IA" type="italics">%tagS;/i&tagE;</tagRecord>
<tagRecord fileKey  = Authentication key for the transcription file that the 
                      tagRecord applies to. First component identifies the 
                      file, second component is the Manipulation Detection Code for the file.
                          <fileID>:<MDC checksum> 
           pos      = Metric for defining a location or part of the transcription file
                      on which the tag’s action will be performed.
                          <divID>:<wordNum>:<optional charNum>
                      The components are as follows;
                     divID   = the unique id of the text element within the
                               base text which is to be modified.
                     wordNum = the position of the word to be modified within
                               the specified div element. The action will 
                               prepend or append this word.
                     charNum = An optional character position within the word
                               for when a tag needs to be placed within the 
                               body of a word.
           action   = The string manipulation to be performed. Currently only
                      inserting before "IB" and inserting after "IA" are supported, 
                      but more sophisticated operations could be supported.

           type     = A unique identifier indicating the type of tag to assist in
                      the handling of tagRecords.
           This is the string of characters which is to be entered into the tags
           to be inserted into the transcription file. Normally the inserted string
           is wrapped inside entity references for the start-tag and end-tag.


1. TagRecords are completely independent, containing a manipulation detection code 
   for the content file they apply to as well as the reference position and action 
   they should be apply to the character string which they contain.

2. TagRecord records are structured so that they can be easily filtered or sorted for 
   efficient merging with the transcription file.

3. The character string content of the tagRecord are stored with entity references for
   the start and end-tags. This is for two reasons; the first is to avoid confusion in 
   the coding  of the tag and the second is so that the user can change these system
   defined character strings without having to modify the command sets.
